Last week, I had a refreshing and unusual telephone conversation with a patent examiner from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
Patent vs Trademark
It’s not uncommon for us to get calls from prospective clients who want us to “patent their logo,” or otherwise incorrectly try to use intellectual
Another Weapon against Patent Trolls: Arizona Patent Troll Prevention Act
In May 2016, the Arizona Patent Troll Prevention Act became law, and Arizona joined the ranks of states that create laws geared at stopping patent
Top 5 Reasons an Inventor Won’t Get a Patent
At Venjuris, we work on dozens of patent projects every year. Unfortunately, not everyone who wants a patent can get one. This week, I asked the
How Long does it Take to Get a Patent?
One of the most common questions we hear from clients seeking a utility patent is, “How long does this process take?” (The other common question is,
Best Protection for your Business – Patent or Trade Secret
Every business has intellectual property. These are aspects of their business and products that differentiate them from and give them an advantage